About us

We provide IT services to family offices and high net worth individuals.

We are a leading London-based MSP IT services company specialising in delivering outstanding IT solutions to high net worth individuals, family offices, art galleries, VC firms, and investment funds. With over 20 years of industry experience, our founder Savva Antoniou has established a strong reputation for providing exceptional IT services.

Our mission is to transform the IT landscape for our clients, enabling them to leverage technology to drive growth, enhance productivity, and ensure the highest level of security. We pride ourselves on understanding the unique challenges faced by our clients and tailoring bespoke solutions to meet their specific needs.

What sets us apart is our personalized approach. We believe in bridging the gap between business and technology by communicating in a language our clients understand. Rather than overwhelming you with technical jargon, we take the time to comprehend your business goals, identify underlying issues, and provide the most suitable IT solutions aligned with your objectives.

We offer a comprehensive range of services, including IT support, cybersecurity, Microsoft 365 management and implementation, and expert project management. Our dedicated team is committed to delivering outstanding customer service, timely support, and proactive solutions that exceed expectations.

Discretion, privacy, and security are at the core of everything we do. We understand the sensitive nature of the industries we serve, and we adhere to strict confidentiality protocols to ensure the utmost privacy and protection of your data.

About Mayfair Tech

Who we work for


Working from home, on a boat!

When one of our clients got in touch to say he wanted to work his summer from his yacht, we knew we would have our work cut out. Off we went armed with a Bloomberg terminal, a few screens, a printer an Apple TV, and lots of WiFi access points. The end result meant he could stay connected as he would in the office, whilst enjoying a summer away.

Gallery Hosting

Private collectors of art are often targets of cyber crime. We worked with this art gallery to ensure their art collection details were kept secure and private. We set up private servers, allowing access only by encrypted and secure methods, providing the gallery and their clients peace of mind.

Milano Office

A client reached out to us to help with setting up an additional office abroad. The remit was to set up a replica of the HQ in London. We worked with local providers, making sure everything was handled to meet our standards.

The client now has an office abroad that staff can breeze in and out of and enjoy a frictionless experience when working from any of the family office locations.

Wealth Management Private email

One particular client of ours provides wealth management services. The nature of this sensitive data meant hosting with public providers such as Microsoft and Dropbox was simply not an option. We used our presence in the most highly regarded data centre in Switzerland to set up this client with their own private offshore servers, ensuring their client’s data remains private and secure.

Our Founder Savva Antoniou

 IT Expert with a Passion for Personalised Solutions

“From the moment I completed my university degree, my journey in the IT industry began on an IT support helpdesk. Combining my natural techie enthusiasm with hands-on experience, I embarked on a career that has spanned over 20 years.

Since 2005, I have been the proud owner of an IT services business, where I have honed a comprehensive skill set to cater to all the IT needs of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). With a deep understanding of various IT domains, including network infrastructure, cloud computing, cybersecurity, and project management, I have built a reputation for delivering top-notch solutions.”

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One of my proudest achievements was running my own IT company at the young age of 26. Eight years later, I successfully exited the company, marking a significant milestone in my entrepreneurial journey. Today, I am privileged to serve an esteemed clientele, including NASDAQ-listed companies, high-frequency traders, and family offices managing assets under management (AUM) exceeding £1 billion.

What sets my approach apart is my commitment to communicating IT solutions in a language that clients understand. Rather than overwhelming them with technical jargon, I take the time to understand their unique business challenges. Drawing on my extensive experience, I provide tailored recommendations that align with their specific needs and goals.

Building strong relationships is at the heart of my client-centric approach. I believe in face-to-face interactions, allowing me to forge connections with business owners and gain a deep understanding of their operations. Discretion, privacy, and security are my guiding principles, ensuring that clients’ information is always safeguarded.

Beyond the world of IT, I have a passion for photography, capturing life’s moments through my lens. I also embrace the role of a dedicated chauffeur to my two children and occasionally indulge in my love for tennis, even though my skills on the court may be questionable.

In 2014, I founded Cloud 9 VIP LTD, specialising in secure private servers hosted in Switzerland and managed from London. Recognizing the unique IT needs of high net worth individuals and family offices, I established Mayfair Tech to provide tailored solutions that address their specific requirements, bridging the gap left by generic IT support providers.

With a proven track record, a commitment to understanding clients’ needs, and a passion for personalized solutions, I am here to be your trusted IT advisor. Let’s connect and discover how my expertise can empower your business.

Meet the team

Savva Antoniou

Savva Antoniou


Elena Pishiris

Elena Pishiris

Business Development

Alykhan Dhanani

Alykhan Dhanani

Cyber Security Consultant

Fabrice Laviolette

Fabrice Laviolette

Senior Support Tech

George Ordog

George Ordog

Apple Mac Specialist / Support Tech

How we work



You can reach out to Mayfair Tech via our free 15-minute consultation or by simply calling. An opportunity for us to develop a quick snapshot of your needs and to ensure that Mayfair Tech aligns with your goals and that we are a good fit for each other.



Following our initial conversation, we will schedule an in-person meeting preferably at your offices, allowing us to understand your specific requirements, current obstacles, and the challenges your business faces.



You can expect our proposal to be tailored to your unique requirements, comprehensive and including a timing plan for implementation. Zero ambiguity and full transparency on costs and T&C’s.



Once accepted, our favourite part of the process begins. You will be introduced to your team of dedicated experts responsible to your tech success. Any final intelligence needed in preparation for the final stage will be gathered at this point.



Finally, we kick off the onboarding process. This begins with a deep dive into your tech infrastructure, and subsequently each service is implemented as seamlessly and securely as possible. Clear communication is guaranteed so expectations are managed at every level of the business.